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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Agreement between
(photographer/producer below)

and agent
(the agent below)

  1. The photographer/producer agrees that all subsequent bookings of any models in the agency portfolio, for whatever purpose, be done through our agency.
  2. The photographer agrees not to contact the model without the awareness and approval of the agency.
  3. The photographer/producer and agent agree that the following information be exchanged regarding any booking:

The photographer will provide:

  • model’s art name
  • expected practices
  • time and location of shoot
  • duration of shoot
  • a list of any accessories that the model is to bring with her (make-up, clothing, ID, medical test results, etc.)
  • In the event of changes to any of the above, the photographer/producer must notify the agent within X days of the shoot.

The agent will provide:

  • confirmation that the model is available for the shoot and can fulfill the photographer’s/producer’s requirements
  • assurance that the model will arrive on time, sober and capable of work, and with the accessories requested by the photographer/producer except in the case of unavoidable occurrences such as illness, injury, death in the family, etc.
  • a recommendation for or against the model (her reliability, character, etc.) that might affect future cooperation.
  1. The photographer/producer agrees that none of the materials from the shoot be used in markets in the Czech Republic or in the Slovak Republic.
  2. The photographer/producer agrees to pay within one week of notification a fine of 500 EU / 750 USD / 15,000 CZK if found in violation of paragraphs 1) or 4). Refusal to pay this fine will result in permanent termination of cooperation with the agency.
  3. Upon request, the agent agrees to inform the photographer/producer of any new models, practices of models, changes in the agency, etc. once a month.
  4. The photographer/producer shall not attempt to exceed the practices agreed to in the booking.
  5. This cooperation agreement is contracted for an unspecified time for the benefit of both parties.

In ........................ on ........................ of the year ........................
   (place of signing)             (date)


(agency owner)

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